Client spotlight BettaFire Protection

BettaFire Protection has been a provider of complete fire protection services in NSW for the past 30 years. Well known for their quality services in fire safety installation, maintenance and certification. We take 5 with Rob Newcombe Director @ BettaFire Protection as he shares his insight into his organisations IT operations.

1. What is the major business workflow that IT facilitates in your business?

Given our services the major work flow IT supports in our business is job management and scheduling. It is mission critical that these two functions are in order or else the quality of our service suffers. We also rely on IT for our invoicing and stock control.

2. If you were given $100k, what would you spend it on to improve your IT operations?

Some form of Business Intelligence software where we could see all of our business metrics in one place and in real time. It would be invaluable to the decisions we could make, and the errors we could stop before they become big problems.

3. If you could go back in time what IT blunder would you avoid?

Not getting the brief right on our TSM (Service Management System) implementation. We should have spent more time thinking about how we needed the solution to work for us not just then and there, but in the future as well. Live and learn! Getting the brief right on any project is paramount.

4. What is the best IT investment you have made?

Would have to be Windows Terminal Server and our Exchange platform! It has enabled integration and workforce mobility, letting our team work remotely.

5. What is the biggest IT Trend in your industry?

The big shift is in the paperless management of information collected from equipment testing and record management. We are also seeing a real demand from client to have portable access to their information, of their assets, for auditing purposes.