Cyber Incident Response and Retainer
True expertise for your business
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Allow Us to De-Stress and De-Risk Cyber Security

Excite Cyber follows a structured and widely accepted approach to incident response inspired by incident response frameworks developed by SANS Institute and NIST.

Excite Cyber IR service enables organisations to limit the impact of damages caused by security breaches and eradicate the root cause.

Excite Cyber Incident Response service addresses all six steps with activities and deliverables for each step as outlined below.

Who Needs This Service

Excite Cyber utilises ConnectWise as our project management tool and practices industry standard project management methodologies according to Project Management Professional (PMP) guidelines. Excite Cyber will provide regular project status updates and effective communication via email. Project progress meetings will be held on regular basis from order placement until onboarding completion.

Excite Cyber is focused on relevant cyber security outcomes, especially working with standards such as ISO27001, NIST and CREST, all of which Excite Cyber is well versed and has built a solid detection and prevention service catalogue.

In short, this service is valuable for anyone who has an ongoing and proactive need to maintain a properly monitored and compliant IT environment.

What We Deliver

A three-step process on an ongoing basis:
1. Preparation: Readiness Assessment & Onboarding

2. Phase 1 – Incident Detection & Response Discovery

The activities and deliverables from Phase 1 include:
3. Phase 2 – Extended Investigation, Response and Forensics
The activities and deliverables from Phase 2 include:

The Benefits to Your Business

IR Readiness

The Incident Response Team will understand your application architecture, cloud infrastructure, and database system and help strengthen incident response readiness.

IR Playbook

Incident Response Playbook will give a detailed insight into how the system will get audited and the processes and procedures followed while handling a security breach. It also improves the knowledge of threat detection and helps build reactive responses towards the threat.

First Responder Training (optional)

First responder training as a part of the Incident Response Retainer services will help your IT/cybersecurity team with an awareness of the evolving threats and proactive steps towards handling cyberattacks.

Simulated Attacks (optional)

Understand cyber vulnerabilities and identify the security gaps with simulated attack exercises. State-of-the-art incident response technologies put enterprise defence to test against evolving threats.

About Excite Cyber

We are cyber, technology and business experts who asked ourselves, what would the world look like if you could be truly fearless with your business, and what if the very best cyber expertise could be integrated into robust, outcome-focused technology solutions?

Our approach is to be deeply consultative and deliver pragmatic and strategic services that work for your business. With an uncompromising approach to cyber security, we deliver solutions that will get you excited about the potential for technology all over again.

Our Latest Perspectives

Get Started with Excite

We are ready to collaborate with you every step of the way to protect your business and enable you to benefit from decades of experience in providing managed services. 

To get started, schedule a complimentary call using the form below today.

Frequently Asked Questions

IR Readiness ensures that the Incident Response Team is familiar with your application architecture, cloud infrastructure, and database systems. This knowledge is crucial in strengthening your organisation’s incident response readiness and resilience against cyber threats.

Yes, there are optional services such as First Responder Training, which raises awareness of evolving threats and proactive measures, and Simulated Attacks, which help identify security gaps and test enterprise defence against evolving threats.

The Learning phase, often referred to as ‘Lessons Learned’, is vital for continuous improvement. After an incident, the IR team reviews what happened, what was done to respond, and how the situation was handled. Insights gained from this review help refine the IR plan and improve security measures to prevent future incidents.

Containment aims to limit the spread of an incident and prevent further damage by isolating affected systems. Eradication involves eliminating the threat from the environment, such as removing malware and fixing vulnerabilities that were exploited during the incident.

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